After giving me almost 4 months of semi reliable service, my refurbed Gateway(acer emachines group) hard drive passed away. Good bye sweet prince.
This is my secont Acer family desktop that hass had issues. (motherboard 1.5 years on a emachines= throw it away) Since it was refurbed the warrenty was 90 days. I Bought a new hard drive for $60 bucks, 5 min install using my favorite tool, a kitchen steak knife. Installing software was 6 hours. Back in buisness.
Some interesting but very boring thoughts. I tend to be penny wise and pound foolish. I wanted to get a HP as I have had great luck with em, but A HP would have costed me about twice as much. My sample size of 2 is too small to come to any logical conclusion about acer. A computer is just a big bag of parts. After a review, I learned that the hard drive(western digital) that came with my gateway computer was a well rated one very reilable with good reviews, and was probably same as installed in some HP's. I tried to see what brand of Hard drive apple used, could not find out. THe other big manufacture is seagate, there reviews wern't as good. You get a 3 year warrenty on a hard drive from the manufacture, but no warrent from the manufacture if you buy a whole computer, maby a reason to build a computer from scratch.
Maby acer/gateway/emachines isn't so bad, maby i just had bad luck with a reliable part. Or maby Acer does suck, maby the refurb was because of a bad hard drive due to something else, they replaced the hard drive(symptom) without fixing the cause (say a intermittent power supply) Either way computers are a great way to waste time.
Sometimes I wonder about the quality of OEM vs. retail parts. I've had terrible luck many times with OEM Western Digital hard drives (something like a 70% failure rate over the past 20 years), but for the ones I've bought to replace them, no problems at all. Or maybe they just have statically charged monkeys installing them in the package computers?
maby, If dell and hp have 11% problems and acer has 20% and they are using similar parts, maby your ungrounded chimp theory is correct.
glad to hear im not the only one breaking hard drives.
I think next time i buy a computer I may price out geting a build your own kit.
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