Thursday, July 30, 2009

Billy comes down, Quality of life goes up!

New lazy boy couch built buy one of my favorite billionares Warren Buffet. Way comfy. Billy just got back from a surf trip to indo, had a truck, and delivered couch. Billy broke his neck surfing in costa rica a few years back, very similar break to mine.

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Assumption Makes Local Dog Smell Like Ass

In the morning for the past 3 weeks our back yard has smelled of skunk
We assumed the skunks were in a neighboring yard as our dogs have not been sprayed. You know what they say about assumptions.

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Monday, July 20, 2009

Accident investgation.

I found this on u-tube. Same spot, similar fall :33 pretty close to what happened. I think I got off it a little further down (front wheel 1/2 foot from end) I remember waiting for the teeder to hit the ground before continuing and thinking i had it made, albeit a little off the side. I was not expecting the kickback. My plan is to blame the kickback, even though it was my fault.

Saturday, July 18, 2009

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Why should I Listen to My Mother?

My mother always told me to wear clean underware and for years I have made it a general policy, without really knowing why. That is until recently. If anybody is interested I got 1 pair of white camoflauge bike shorts, professionaily tailored at the ER, easily repariable, mostly clean $5. One helmet, broken (superglue repair possible) $2

Happy Third Anniversary

Hot date with Shannon. went to the library.

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

I Am Alive!

Important saftey tip: wear a good helmet and stay away from teeder todders.

Saturday, July 11, 2009

Wasted Youth?

Carl is one of the best skaters I know. In high school he told me that his buddy had a miniramp set up " I wasted a lot of time in that basement"

Seems to me a wasted youth is time well spent.

Georgia was impressed with the trickery

Monday, July 6, 2009

Mid mountain trail makes for a profitable bike trip

Rich people of Park City are great. when they are done with their sunglasses they just throw em on the trail. The trail is littered with em. Sometimes I'll pick em up. (last year i also found a pair of smiths on trail)
Summer is kicking in, run off is done. Emma makes the best of a low flowing creek.

Shannon and her trusty hound patrol the trails. hit boundries for all three resorts deer valley, park city and maby touched canyons. trail basically follows 8000' contour for 26 miles. We did less (10ishmile out 10 mile back) Not a lot of elevation change = nice easy out and back

Sunday, July 5, 2009

Winter Flashback Stolen from Scott's Blog

What is rule #1 when you are trying to look good?

Never folow Keith.

Landing dirty off the cat on a deep pow day.

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Local mt biker steps into a time warp and ends up in spandex.

Thought real hard about buying a bigger wheeled hard tail mountain bike. I put on some spandex shorts from the 90's to compleate the effect. Nice ride at solitude, fast bumpy ride on a very fast bike (I think a personal best 47 minutes) Sure is bumpy without rear travel.