Rich people of Park City are great. when they are done with their sunglasses they just throw em on the trail. The trail is littered with em. Sometimes I'll pick em up. (last year i also found a pair of smiths on trail)

Summer is kicking in, run off is done. Emma makes the best of a low flowing creek.

Shannon and her trusty hound patrol the trails. hit boundries for all three resorts deer valley, park city and maby touched canyons. trail basically follows 8000' contour for 26 miles. We did less (10ishmile out 10 mile back) Not a lot of elevation change = nice easy out and back
I'm always tempted to pick the sunglasses up, but I usually leave them hoping the owner will miss them and come back for them.
Hey Chet - I'm loving all your mountain biking photos! Can't wait to get back out there. :)
What does "maby" mean?
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