Tuesday, July 14, 2009

I Am Alive!

Important saftey tip: wear a good helmet and stay away from teeder todders.


TSVG said...

Hey Chet - Glad to see that you're ok! We heard about the teeter-totter incident. I've seen way too many people get bucked off that stupid thing, that I stay away from it. I keep hoping that DV will fix it, but that would require some effort on their part. Sheesh.

Anyway - good to know that you're doing ok. Let us know if you need anything!

Scottie said...

Good to hear you're alive!

Unknown said...

Chester...what a bummer. We're hoping for a speedy recovery...with lots of good pain killers.

-Chris and Amy

Little Yeti said...

You look great!

Becca said...

I still say you should sue Deer Valley. Everybody knows that Chet always lands on his feet.

Effing Deer Valley A-holes owe you some money Mr. Frantz.

Weigel World said...

Can we sign your brace? Got an Xbox with your name on it! Glad you are home and back posting :)

SLC Gardener said...

How many times have I recomended staying away from man made stunts? I'm glad to hear you will fully recover and be able to ride again. For now all I have is Peters to challenge me on the hills, weak sauce!

reinhart family said...

Uncle Chester:

I love you. Heal up fast! I recommend the movies Spirit and Monsters Inc. Mom will bring the Wii on Monday. Super Mario Gallexy is awesome. I miss you. Teeter totters stink! Give Aunt Shannon a hug for me.


KlausSchwalbe said...

Damn Chester! Even though I still don't know the full story, we're happy to hear your already on the re-bound (well, from the looks of your photo anyway). I guess the teeter-toddler park businass at Brighton just got to ya a bit much this past year, eh? Then bringing it to Deer Valley of all places and have your mountain bike be the culprit. I have to agree with Becca. First thing I thought when I heard was, 'but, but,... Chester always lands on his feet!' I expect a full explanation of events when we meet next.

Which, btw, we have some "essentials" that we would like to bring over. That is "essentials" coming from recent and current experiences.