Sunday, April 12, 2009

Local Woman Dominates Pioneer Ridge

While most of us were busy looking for eggs

Shannon was Busy Dominating Pioneer Ridge.
Two new chutes under the belt a day before she turns 33 years old!


Scottie said...

Hey, what sort of splitboard is Shannon using? And what are you using these days?

chet's amazing log said...

shannon doesnt have a split board. we just boot packed up a ridge off a chair for this one. she has borrowed mine.

I got a burton split s 162.

I also got a saw it yourself kit that is my old set up.

the burton s is great.

I would not hesitate to saw your old board. fun project. no disadvantage except on the iciest skin and cant change feet angles quick. actually lighter. If you are thinking of it (kit $300 w skins) let me know i got tips.

another cool thing is verts($90). (plastic snowshoes look cheap) pretty compatible with skinners (fit in skin track reasonably well, dont screw up track too bad). work great unless snow is unbelievably deep and light, but gotta carry snowboard on back.

shannon halrantz said...

I want a split board for my birthday!

Scottie said...

Well, I'm a two-planker and I gots the AT bindings, so I'm set. My concern is for Carie, because I keep dragging her out in the BC in snowshoes. In the cases where it's a full snow approach it sucks to carry the board over longer distances, and in the case where we have to make dry approaches (and that's often here in SoCal) it's just awful to carry both the board and the snowshoes.

So sawing an old board is just dandy, eh? What about your outside edges? Or do you just avoid traverses?

chet's amazing log said...

unless it is a very ice skatey skin track, aka baked snow w refreese, you dont need edges, wont be able to tell. even then it is not like night and day, just a suttle but noticable diff. also they do sell crampons which more than make up for edges. the other thing cool is a sawed board is typically a little lighter than a factory split (factory has extra metal edges and inserts)

regardless, a long traverse (no switchback for say more than a block) gets tiring on a split board, caus unlike your a.t. swet up, splitboards have horrible ankle support. does take a few days to get use to skinning, is a skill to it. even worse w a pack. definatly do some day trips before an overnighter unless you stick to low angle skin tracks/approaches then it is fairly easy and fun.
old resort sized board is perfect or maby couple cm bigger if you want extra float. make sure it has got a good core aka solid wood no foam or air channels. light is good. bindings light and stiff. (it is amazing how much lighter small sized bindings are than med)

Scottie said...

I think we're going to try to stick to lower angle approaches and avoid overnighters for a wee bit. Interesting, though. I will keep this in mind.

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