Thursday, December 23, 2010

Not eating the fruit pays big dividends.

Shannon sure is tough. 36 hours of labor later and here we are. Total anti-cake walk. ladies a tip- next time you are in a forbidden garden and a serpent has a great idea about a delicious menu item, think twice. Welcome Mile$ Boyd Frantz! 7pds 15oz dec 22 6:45 am we are back at home and all is well.


chet's amazing log said...

Thanks everybody for all your support!
We are taking visitors but have some dumb rules.
no sickies, no kiddies (dr orders till week 6)
just give us a little heads up, love to see you!)
also you gotta tellus how cute our baby is!

SLC Gardener said...

congratulations!! I'm so happy for you guys. Myles is a cutie! Sorry for shannon having 36 hours labor- SUPER SUCK! But it will all be worth it (and probably already is) - Sarah

KlausSchwalbe said...

Congrats guys! You make quite the cute family, even with a crazy face. We'll come see yas soon!

Cariedaway said...

How did I miss this news?? Congratulations both of you! Awww!