Sunday, February 28, 2010

Shannon versus the S-chute

Top of something I've been calling the s-chute

Shannon's first decent on it. It is fun because it is s-shaped with banked walls. fits turns perfectly. Apron isn't bad either (below pic)

View from the bottom, entry is low pt on ridge, but out of view.


Scottie said...

Looks bitchin'. And the chute looks pretty cool, too.

Anonymous said...

If I were to wager a guess at why, I’d say that users don’t “browse” forms. The interaction style users engage in with forms is different, and requires its own study and design best practices. This is a very interesting post, and the comments are also fantastic to read. I’ll have poses to have a little re-think about my own contact form on our new website, as this some interesting questions!
work from house