In the past I predicted that "computers" are a passing fad.
My new vision of the future has to do with something called "the internet". Many information/entertainmnet outlets are going to go the way of the newspaper. Radio stations, tv, phone line will all be thru internet. Companies will be scrambling to figure out how to make money in this new enviornment. Some will adapt and survive, others will not.
here are some cool websites so that you are ready.
tv. http://www.hulu.com/ -hook your tv and get rid of cable.
radio http://www.slacker.com/ -get rid of your ipod, quit listening to dj's
telephone http://www.ooma.com/ -pay for box, get rid of your phone line
personal finance http://www.mint.com/ - a poor mans quicken
office software http://openoffice.pro-2010.com/openoffice/index.php?pflow=icc - same as office but free.
I have just bought a computer that will hook up to my tv. Streaming video will be here shortly. I would get rid of my cable but one can't get rid of what one never had.