Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Emerging Markets- El salvador

Meet Jose. He and his wife Elicia Are quite the entrepreneurs. (Actually I think the wife is the driving force behind the operation)

They rent pangas to the local fisherman

Jose Just built a hotel, great location!

Sometimes when the tide is high you gotta time the waves and drive fast or you can wait it out at their restaurant.

If the tide is high and you are hungry try the chicken. freshest in town!


Jael said...

that's a turkey.

chet's amazing log said...

yea, but they wouldnt let us eat mr tom.

Little Yeti said...

Woah, were you surfing there or on a layover?

chet's amazing log said...

surfing. 3rd visit. down for 10 days. went with shannon mike elishia, and billy. pics are spot where billy and i stayed for 3 days, everybody else ate there. surfable every day, two days were real good (little over head high world class pt break) rest of days were 3-4 ft, so no bad. didnt take many photo sshould have more stuff up shortly.

Saylor said...

I am inviting myself on your next trip down there. Let me know the sched!

chet's amazing log said...
