Running out of Interesting Post Ideas Since January 2009
You are a picture stealer and a last name wrong speller! WEIGEL! FRANTZ doesn't wear underpants! But you are right, this is a fantastic picture taken by me.
Why are you guys walking around with empty glasses?
ooops! sorry weigel world. you are an excellent portrait photographer.
Amazing. Strictly amazing.
Better, much better. How do I get a view counter?!
ill never tell, but search free counter, then cut and paste html to layout, add a gadget, then html. cut and paste the code and vola
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You are a picture stealer and a last name wrong speller! WEIGEL! FRANTZ doesn't wear underpants! But you are right, this is a fantastic picture taken by me.
Why are you guys walking around with empty glasses?
ooops! sorry weigel world. you are an excellent portrait photographer.
Amazing. Strictly amazing.
Better, much better. How do I get a view counter?!
ill never tell, but search free counter, then cut and paste html to layout, add a gadget, then html. cut and paste the code and vola
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